Removing a ring that has become stuck

Removing a ring that has become stuck

Removing a ring that has become stuck on your finger


So you’ve tried on a ring that’s too small for your finger or your finger has swollen causing your ring to become stuck.

These are some TIPS we’ve put together to help you safely remove your ring.


Don’t attempt anything you don’t feel comfortable doing, be aware that trying everything frantically could cause further aggravation and always consider any allergies you may have whilst using lubricants or taking any anti-inflammatories. If you’re unsure always seek medical advice.

Examine the Area First

Begin by checking your finger for any injuries before applying any products or using any techniques that may cause further discomfort. If it is safe to proceed ensure you have disinfected the area before starting.



  1. Binding


Elastic cord

Using about a foot of elastic cord carefully insert a short length under the ring with a pair of tweezers. Wind the remaining length around the finger from the ring and over the knuckle securing the end by tucking it under itself.

Gently pull the short length you passed under the ring, it should slowly unwind over the smooth elastic surface.

Dental floss or Thread

Using about a foot of thread or dental floss threaded onto a needle carefully insert a short length under the ring then remove the needle. Wind the remaining length around the finger from the ring and over the knuckle securing the end by tucking it under itself.

Gently pull the short length you passed under the ring, it should slowly unwind over the thread or floss.

Elastic Band

Cut the elastic band and insert a short length under the ring, wind the remaining length around the finger from the ring and over the knuckle, secure it by tucking it under itself. Gently pull the short length, the ring should slowly unwind over the elastic.



  1. Reducing swelling

Cool Water

Place your hand in a cup of cold water and elevate above your head for at least 5 minutes, now compress your finger above the ring. Repeat a number of times with 5 minute intervals and use added lubrication to help ease the ring off if this helps.

This method is called the RICE method (rest, ice, compression, elevation) and helps reduce swelling and pain.

Salt water

Place a teaspoon of salt into a glass of water. Submerge for 5 minutes, this should help to reduce swelling so that the ring can be removed


  1. Lubricating (cooling your finger before lubricating can maximise the success rate)

Window Cleaner

Use window cleaner to help lubricate your finger, this should help the ring slide off.

Liquid Soap

Massage liquid soap onto ring finger, place tissue over the top and twist the ring back and forth until it slides off.


Apply a lubricant such as Vaseline, oil or butter twist the ring in a circular motion off the finger

When to seek Help:

If you still can’t remove the ring and you’re not in too much discomfort try calling your local jeweller to see if they have a ring cutter. It’s good to know what your ring is made of so that they can advise the best method for saving your ring.

If your finger is still swollen and becomes discoloured or has no feeling or you can’t contact a jeweller it’s time to seek medical advice.

Remember to try and stay calm and keep the swelling down whilst you are seeking help.


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